How Cat Owners Can Keep a Clean Home

Guest Post Written by Cindy Aldrich

It's pretty much impossible not to love cats. After all, they're playful, inquisitive, and loving companions. Yet, they can make it difficult to keep our homes clean and smelling fresh. Here are some budget-smart ways to restore your home to its tip-top shape.


Odor Removal


Strong odor lets you know that you need to do a deep clean — there's no getting around it. However, it doesn't need to cost you a small fortune. If you have an older cat or one with bladder issues, urine may be the cause of your olfactory issues. Use an enzymatic-based pet odor remover, as nothing cleanses the proteins in pet waste better. What’s more, it works on carpet, bedding,  and clothes. Another way to keep your home smelling great is to add baking soda directly to their litter box. Make sure it's changed frequently, too. This will keep your cat going where they should (rather than other places) and keep smells to a minimum.


Cleaning Up Fur


Fur can seem like it is everywhere, but it doesn't need to be. It also doesn't need to be a struggle to remove. First, spray your furniture with a mixture of fabric softener and water. Next, wipe the damp fur off with a rubber glove. For hard surfaces, use anti-dust spray and wipe away. If it's all over your clothes, wash with half a cup of white vinegar. If you want something you can use every day, get rubber gloves designed for fur removal that have small grooves to help catch hair and make your job easier. You can even use a lint roller in a pinch. This is a good choice if you're heading out the door and want one last go-over to catch stray hairs.


Stay Dander-Free


The best way to keep your home clean is an air purifier. This will not only make it easier to breathe, but it will also keep your carpets cleaner too. However, if anyone in your household has allergies, this may not be enough to help. Clean your cat every single week with a thorough bathing. Your cat may absolutely hate it, but it works, as do hypoallergenic wet wipes. Brushing your cat's fur regularly is also beneficial, as it keeps skin healthy and prevents loose fur from escaping. If your cat is particularly calm, you can even get a pet-specific attachment to your vacuum — this will suck up loose hair and dander easily.


Addressing Other Accidents


Unfortunately, cats can have issues with vomiting. It may be their diet, or they may have eaten something toxic. There is no mistaking the smell and stain it leaves behind, so try to remove it as quickly as possible without pushing it down into the carpet. Mix vinegar with water, then add a spoonful of detergent and alcohol to make an effective cleaning solution. The best part: You probably have those ingredients on hand. Spray the area, blot dry with a towel, and then lay down some baking soda to get any remnants of smell left behind.


Stain Control


Old stains can be mysterious and may be difficult to locate; a black light might be useful in tracking them down. Thankfully, once you've found the offender, you can clean them in the same way you’d address a fresh stain. Use a little baking soda, peroxide or vinegar and scrub, and try enzymatic-based cleaners as well. If you need to clean multiple times, ensure that the spot is dry before you start the process again.


Having a cat is a real joy. They bring brightness to each day, and their personalities never cease to make us smile. Fortunately, it doesn't take too much money to keep things fresh and sparkling. Give them and yourself the clean home you both deserve.


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